Monday, October 19, 2009

Preliminary task- Saman James Frankie

Here is my preliminary task with James Vanger and Saman Safdari. in order to obey the rule of continuity, we were not allowed to break the 180 degree rule in order to create a sucessfull edited clip. we decided to have the first shot of Saman waiting at a desk for me to come in the room and sit down opposite him. we had a high angle shot looking down on Saman and then switched to a close up of Saman tapping his fingers on the desk to create tension. this enables the viewer to see that Saman is the one who is the one that everyone likes because he is having to wait for someone. We then took a shot of me walking from outside into the builiding then cut it to me in a close up shot opening the door and then looking through the window to see if Saman was there. We then did a medium long shot of me walking into the room and closing the door beind me, then the camera was kept still while i walked to my chair and sat down. To build up more tension we decided that it was a good idea if we had two close up shots of mine and samans face. We then did a shot reverse shot of Saman asking " are you high?" then we switched to another shot reverse shot of me looking very confused and replying "no." Then we did a master shot of the whole scneario in which saman asks another question, "then why are you so late?" we then used the fading technique and faded out to the credits at the end.

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