Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Shots; establishing shot.master shot,close-up,mmid-shot,long shot wide shot,two-shot,aerial shot,point of view shot,over the shoulder shot, and variations of these.

Angle; high angle, low angle, canted angle.
Movement; pan,tilt,track,dolly,crane,steadicam,hand-held,zoom,reverse zoom.
Composition;framing,rule of thirds,depth of field- deep and shallow focus,focus pulls.

1 comment:

  1. hi i need help i have a project about the analysis of a sequence from the prespective of photography ,editing , camera movement mise en scene, and acting i find it difficult to distinguish the shots, the angles and the movement of the camera .the film i have chosen to work on is changeling by clint eastwood the scene iam analyzing is entitled the photo op reunion it begins when christine collin (angelina jolie) is besieged by cops and reporters to be reunited with her son who turns out to be an imposter , the scene ends when journalists take pictures of both mother and son. i hope u will be of good help, thank u in advance.
