Monday, November 16, 2009

Opening title sequences.

The opening two minutes of this film sequence is represented in a dark menacing way. all the still frames are dark and gloomy. they are in black and white so we know that the film is going to be referring to the past in some sort of way because it was released in 1999, therefore we know it is not an olden day film.

the 'X' in the title is highlighted in red to inform the audience that there could be violence, blood or danger. and having watched this film there is evidence that that's what the film involves. the titles are across the screen with an ocean backdrop. this gives off the message that there could be danger because of the dark colors in this film but some sort of peace at the end by the way the waves overlap the shore peacefully. the music is soft and soothing which gives a sense of gentleness which could appear throughout the film. the font is simple and is just in black and white to coincide with the still images which are also black and white. the font size is of a medium size so the viewer can clearly see who's staring in the film and the producer,director etc.
the genre of this film is a racial discrimination drama set back in the 1990's.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Differnt types of Genres.


In film theory, genre refers to the method of film categorization based on similarities in the narrative elements from which films are constructed.

Gay & Lesbian

Idea for my coursework.

For my coursework in Media Studies, i have to create the two opening minutes of a feature film. in order to create a good piece i have to follow the rules of continuity and follow the 180 degree rule so that i have a clear opening of my film.

I've always been interested in the genre; thrillers. i find them exciting and gripping and enjoy the feeling of sitting on the end of my seat wanting to know what is going to happen next. therefore i would like to create something like this myself.

my first shot i would like to have an establishing shot of an empty, dark park and in order to be able to see the surroundings behind the camera i will have a few torches to create the source of light. i will do a tracking shot of the park so that the audience can see the location clearly. when i come to edit this shot i will have dark music in the background to inform the audience that something bad is about to occur. my next shot will be of a small bridge and a boy with their hood up walking over it towards the camera. he will then stop and there will be a medium long shot of him. he will look around as if hes trying to be as discrete as possible. the music now will become louder to create tension and more of a build up. my next shot is of two other boys walking towards the first boy that entered the park and will cut to them walking towards him, then cut back to the first boy just standing there looking nervous. i don't want a lot of dialogue in the film as i want the the audience to be guessing whats going to happen. the main ways i will tell the story is with a hand held camera and the music and different types of shots. as the two boys approach nearer to the other boy i will then have an extreme close up of the boys face, looking scared. when the boys finally reach the alone boy they will say, " so where is it?" the shot will then dissolve and end.

i hope that the scene i have devised goes to plan and i am aiming to film it within the next few weeks before Christmas in order to edit it as soon as possible.